
Model : Massage Chair - Model: A33-Red



Description :

Designed with a set of vertically movable, four-wheel driven mutedintelligent 3D massage hands.

Automatically check the shoulder position, body curve and massage points and makesmicro adjustments according to the body curve and massage points, automaticallyadjust the massage hands forward and backward so as to make it more humanisticand scientific.

Designed with four special automatic massage functions: Ease, Comfort, Achecure and Recovery from fatigue.

Automatic massage for the upper body (The shoulder and neck & the back andwaist).

Manual massage for the upper body with three options: overall, partial andfixed point options; Six massage methods: knocking, kneading, flapping, shiatsuand synchronous kneading & flapping and 3D, with five levels of speedadjustable respectively. In the state of flapping and shiatsu, the widthbetween the two kneading balls is adjustable with five levels.

Air pressure massage for Neck and shoulder; Air pressure massage for arms,with three air pressure intensity options.

Air pressures massage for the lower body, with three position options and threeair pressure intensity options.

Sole roller massage; Back-waist twist; Swing Hip Function; Calf stretch.

Equipped with MP3 player and earphone. MP3 player functions: Play, Stop,Previous One, Next One, Volume Up and Volume Down.

Heating function in the back, with carbon fiber as infrared heat emitter.

Foot extend-retract within 21cm

The calf rest can be lifted and stretched; The backrest can be lifted.

Automatically sits up and restore the massage hands when shut off the machine.

VFD display.


Model : Massage Chair - Model: A33-Red

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