
Model : ETF003



Description :

Most Powerful Whole body Vibration and Oscillation machine Has 2 motors – one for oscillation and one for spiral vibration You can program your own exercise program


Motor Power: 500W+ 300W (Two Motors)

Handrail: Steel Stand Post

Seesaw Vibration Amplitude: 0-10mm

Seesaw Vibration Frequency: 5Hz-14Hz

Spiral Vibration Amplitude: 0-2mm Spiral Vibration

Frequency: 15Hz-40Hz

User Weight Capacity: 160kgs

Assembly Size: 680x580x1335mm

Support Column Carton Size: 1140x570x240mm

Mainframe Carton Size: 730x570x250mm

N.W./G.W.: 48kgs/56kgs

Control Panel: LEC Control Panel Carton

 size: 74.5×65×30.5 CM 139×33×30 CM



Model : ETF003

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