
Model : Massage Chair - Model: A17B



Model: A17B
Features :

Number of basic massages : 5
Pressing or Shiatsu : Yes
Kneading : Yes
Flapping : Yes
Combination of Kneading and Flapping : Yes
Knocking : Yes
Back Stretching : Yes
Number of Auto Massage modes : 3 ( Upper body ,
Neck and Shoulder , Back and Waist )
Electronic remote  : Yes
Electronic intensity control : Yes
Speed adjustments : 5
Massage surface area : 588 sq in (73*20.5cm)
Back massage length : 26 in
Lateral width of massage : 3-7 in
Total number of air bags : 32
Electronic inclination : Yes
Leg support height control : Yes
Duration of massage indicator : Yes
Seating material : Synthetic black leather

Headphones with volume control : NoMP3 player : NoSynchronised music : No
Body Location
Calf massage : YesLeg stretching : YesHip massage : NoArm massage : NoMassage of feet and arches : No
Supply : 120 V c.a. 60HzPower consumption : 210 W
Maximum user weight : 120 kgMinimal distance from wall : 16 inNet  Weight : 83 kgShipping Weight : 95 kgHeight : 118 cmLength : 76 cmDepth : 76 cm


Model : Massage Chair - Model: A17B

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